A more beautiful world
Do you sometimes feel hopeless about the state of our world and the destruction of our planet?
Or guilty that you are not doing enough to change how our society currently operates?
Or scared that reading too much news articles about the issues we are facing is going to send you down a dark hole that you cannot return from?
Or maybe just numb and burn out at the moment?
It can be heartbreaking to remain conscious in our crazy times. Everywhere we turn we can see signs of the Great Unraveling of our society. Between the pandemic and global climate breakdown, systemic oppression like racism and police brutality, gross income inequity, the collapse of our health and care system and more, it is clear that we can’t continue with Business As Usual.
This might leave us thinking we are powerless, or lead to feelings of guilt or denial. It can result in eco-anxiety, getting burnt out from over-acting or turning inward and numbing ourselves because we feel we cannot cope with it all anymore. We end up bopping around between optimism and despair, denial or overwhelm. But when we deny or suppress our pain for the world, we undermine our innate ability to contribute to its healing.
If the above resonates with you, please know that you are not alone. It is by reconnecting with ourselves, each other and the natural world that we find the strength and courage to stay resilient in uncertain times. I want to create a space for you where you can look at the issues of our time, while feeling supported to sit with the difficult feelings that may arise from doing so. A space where you can rewild yourself and ask yourself the hard questions: how to live in a world that is collapsing? How to cope with injustice and uncertainty? What to do that feels meaningful, when the old stories that made sense do not seem to apply anymore?
For this work I draw from System Thinking, Deep Ecology and Joanna Macy's The Work that Reconnects, while continuously pointing you to your true nature: beyond thought, connected to all that is, and rooted in the deeper intelligence of Life.
"The most radical thing any of us can do at this time
is to be fully present to what is happening in the world."
Joanna Macy
The work of Joanna Macy
Click on the image below to read a masterclass on Joanna Macy written by Eveline Tijs for Metafoor, a Flemish magazine for psychotherapists (2022).
Masterclass on Joanna Macy in Flemish magazine for psychotherapists Metafoor, written by Eveline Tijs in 2022
Masterclass on Joanna Macy in Flemish magazine for psychotherapists Metafoor, written by Eveline Tijs in 2022
One to one sessions
We can organise sessions online, in my practice in Hastings Old Town or outside in nature.
Group workshops
Community helps ground us and feel supported when facing challenging times. Check the events section for upcoming workshops.
Educating ourselves about systemic oppression and how to disrupt it is important. Together we can dive deeper and discuss resources to learn more.
'What to do when the world is on fire?'
Click on the image below to find an interview with Eveline Tijs written by Katrien Eelen for Psychologies, a Flemish popular magazine (2024).
Interview written by editor in chief Tanja Dierckx, picture by Hastings finest Georgina Piper
'From egocentrism to ecocentrism'
In 2019 a brief interview with me was published in Belgian Psychologies Magazine. The interview is part of a feature on the transition human consciousness is making from the I- to the WE-perspective.
Dutch philosopher and author Joke Hermsen shares her ideas about a society that focuses on sustainability and solidarity. She states that in our capitalist society, time is money and people are trapped in a rat race where they do not have time to reflect. When they choose to take time out and question existence and the way things are, the possibility of a deep awareness arises.
By this Hermsen means the shift from an egocentric perspective to a holistic one, that is filled with love for humanity and the planet. From this place of awareness, care and passion, people will start to act and engage in activism.
That these people are currently still a minority is due to the fact that most people do not take enough time to look at their own lives from a distance and question the way they are currently operating. One third of the population will probably never make the shift past the egocentric perspective. But the other 2/3rds can. According to Hermsen, the people who are already aware need to take to the streets, raise their voices, inspire by writing books, sharing their views, ... and unite.
The interview with me is a real life example of this shift. I talk about my plans to travel the world and consciously take distance from the life I was living, and my growing awareness that there is something fundamentally wrong about the way our society is functioning. And this specifically related to the climate and ecological crisis and the social injustice that is deeply rooted within our system. If this resonates with you, feel free to reach out and share your thoughts with me, would love to discuss.